Dear Movie Lovers,
Our movie Y2K is now here. As teens of the era, it’s been a wonderful trip revisiting our adolescence, and pulling from our own lives for the screen. We also obviously made a lot of stuff up, and that’s been a delight too. Our intention was always to make it feel like a movie we would have seen in the theaters in 1999. We think Y2K is best experienced on the big screen with a group of people - friends, strangers…whomever.

Maybe it goes without saying, but the goal with any project like this is to bring together a group of collaborators who can interpret the words on the page and enhance them into something more. We feel so indebted to the incredibly talented artists who came together to make this thing far better than we could’ve imagined, and can’t thank them enough.

Y2K is real. Hope you enjoy.
-Kyle and Evan